The 1968 recently found its way into the shop. It has been in storage for the last 20 years still wearing its 1978 Pirelli Radials. Well any car that sits for a long time is going to have issues. I first ran a cylinder leakdown test - with cylinder number two looking a little weak. I filled it the cylinder full of transmission fluid and let it rest gently turning it over by hand. After a few days I spun it over with the starter making a huge mess, but that is what it takes.
Then I needed to sort out the fuel system. The float bowls on the carbs indicated that we have rust is in the fuel system. Its an original looking tank so I suspected with our Ethanol enhanced gas that I might find some surprises. After carefully getting the sending unit out I looked inside and it was clean. So I removed the fuel pump and found the entire inlet side filled with rust. The outside didn't look too bad. The water must have collected in the pump inlet. A used Carter electric pump and a fuel pressure regulator should help this along.
Now with the fuel system cleaned up and fresh motor oil I spent some time cruising the neighborhood feeling out the suspension, gearbox and differential. Overall a sound little car. I ran it hard as I dared on the 30 year old tires and it responded well.
Fuel out of the lines at the carb
Ready for another ride